Live Sphagnum Moss

$25.00 Sale

🌿Live sphagnum moss - Sphagnum cristatum - is a beautiful fluffy and spongy moss that looks great in terrariums. It is very hard to find in Australia - it took us a couple of years to find a sustainable grower of this lovely moss! We're very excited to have available in our collection.

🌿As you can see from the photos, the moss is a light green and yellowish colour. When it is placed in your terrarium, it will green up even more as it settles in. 

🌿It is sent in a 500ml Biopak reclaimed sugarcane pulp container and lid, a rapidly renewable material. The container measures 16x10x3cm.

🌿If you're looking for an easy and low-maintenance way to add fresh greenery to your closed terrarium, our live sphagnum moss is the perfect solution for you.

🌿Our live moss is sustainably sourced from a local grower in the Victoria, making it ideal for the Australian climate. It requires very little maintenance in a closed environment.

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